Partnership Projects
Most Greenwood activities are delivered by a number of organisations working in partnership. Different partners are able to bring different skills and expertise to a project, for example technical, financial, wildlife conservation or economic development. Most, if not all projects, involve local communities in one way or another and may also bring together a mix of private and public sector interests. The Greenwood team typically takes the role of helping to draw together an appropriate mix of partners, then facilitating effective partnership work through the co-ordination of effort.
Trees for Climate
Trees for Climate is a major new tree planting programme funded through the Government's Nature for Climate Fund. In a push to help deliver against the Government's tree planting targets, Greenwood is joining with the other fourteen Community Forests across England in planting over 6,000 cumulative hectares of "climate combatting” woodland by 2025 making Trees for Climate one of the biggest environmental regeneration initiatives the UK has seen. Read more ......
Miner to Major
The Greenwood Team played a major role in supporting Miner to Major, the Sherwood Forest Landscape Partnership with it’s £3.7m bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). The team worked with Sherwood Forest Trust to hold consultation events so that a number of other organisations and community groups could help to shape the bid. A development manager was recruited, and in 2017, a second bid was successful in securing £2.4m from HLF. The 5 year project runs from 2019-2023.
The project aims to celebrate the area’s mining heritage, protect and restore habitats and species and connect local communities to the forest. Local communities will be given the skills and knowledge to look after the landscape and will be involved in mapping Sherwood over the past 100 years. The Greenwood Team is leading "Trees & Hedges", a strand of the project aimed at connecting people with nature and heritage in Sherwood Forest.
Making a difference on the ground
Sherwood’s Trees & Hedges

The Greenwood Team is co-ordinating and delivering the Trees and Hedges project – part of Connecting Sherwood
Working with landowners and land managers, the Greenwood Team are identifying areas which would benefit from a tree and hedgerow survey. Trained volunteers are undertaking surveys which record information such as species, age, condition, numbers and location of hedgerow and landscape trees and are identifying options and opportunities for new tree or hedge planting.
Access Audits

Green spaces are important to everyone but sometimes there are barriers which can prevent some visitors from accessing and enjoying a site. Problems range from a lack of detailed pre-visit information to physical barriers such as gates, uneven path surfaces or poorly designed or located information panels.
Greenwood promotes the principle of ‘Access for All’ and works with partners to improve accessibility on their sites, routes and facilities. We have done this by offering access audits - a step by step, consistent way, to evaluate the physical accessibility of green spaces and availability of the right information in the right places. Once completed we present this information, which identifies any potential improvements, to the landowner.
Greenwood has undertaken over twenty access audits for partner organisations leading to successful bids for funding to carry out practical improvements in many cases. Applications for Green Flags also benefit, as well as improved confidence for visitors accessing their local green space.
Supporting Friends Groups
A Friends group enhances everyone's experience of a green space. They are the eyes and ears of the site, and usually live locally. Accessing the site regularly they are able to communicate with the wider community and the landowner. They can easily spot any anti-social behaviour and report it swiftly, as well as noting any wildlife visiting the site. Friends groups can provide activities such as health walks, host school visits and fundraise. The Greenwood Team supports Friends groups in many ways from helping to form a new group to guiding them through their first Annual General Meeting.

Once set up and constituted, we encourage groups to join the Friends of Greenwood Community Forum which is an excellent way to network with other Friends groups within Greenwood and the surrounding area. Supported by the Greenwood Team, the Forum provides a place to share knowledge, access free training and promotional tools as well as receiving support from established groups. Find out more